WordPress has dominated the CMS market share for quite a while now. It is customizable, and non-coders can use it to build websites for clients. The only issue is that its architecture is dated. Fortunately, there are other CMSs available that give developers more freedom and are up-to-date with PHP changes and features.
These are five modern CMS solutions you should consider using in 2025:
juzaweb/cms - JuzaWeb CMS is an open source Laravel CMS like WordPress developed based on Laravel Framework. JuzaWeb CMS is a CMS for the modern age. Its feature set is comparable to WordPress, including the option to install themes and plugins.
akassama/igniter-cms - Igniter CMS is new and is probably not ready for prime time, but it doesn't mean you should ignore it. This CMS is powered by CodeIgniter 4 and includes an e-commerce module, an option to switch themes, and the option to consume the REST API for data retrieval.
orisai/cmf - Orisai is a work in progress, but by looking at the code, the project seems to be heading in a good direction.
getdevflow/cmf - Devflow CMF is a headless content management framework and CMS. Devflow CMF is unique in that it is domain-driven with CQRS and event sourcing. Along with its many benefits for developers who love to code, Devflow is a great alternative to building high-quality, optimized websites that scale.
sulu/skeleton - Sulu is a highly extensible open-source PHP content management system based on the Symfony framework. Like Devflow, Sulu is a multi-portal CMS built for developers needing something that scales over time.
I hope you check out each of the aforementioned content management systems. Take them for a test drive so that you can add other alternatives to your portfolio and business.